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Each RomantiCraft template was designed with both US Letter and A4 Paper sizes in mind so here is a quick A4 paper comparison. The standard size for most business documents around the world is A4. It would be so much easier if we all used the same standard paper size but there are differences in measurement across countries like miles and kilometers.

The size differences when printing are normally a challenge. A common solution has been to scale the document or to make two documents; one for each size. Both options are not ideal.

RomantiCraft templates were designed using US Letter so that images would print perfectly on either US Letter or A4 paper without any scaling. Some paper crafts, like the playing card box, need to remain actual size to be functional.

The US Letter format avoids having two different download buttons and multiple reworking of templates for minor margin differences. Margins are not a priority in printing a paper craft as the rest of the paper will be scrapped once the pieces are cut.

For simplicity, one size fits all. If you use A4 paper, the only difference will be slightly narrower margins on the sides and an extra white margin on the bottom of the page.

Printer Settings

When printing a RomantiCraft Template on A4 paper, set Scale to None and choose the printer paper setting to US Letter paper. Do not select the printer paper size settings to A4. Once printed, the difference will only be a longer margin at the bottom of the paper which will be discarded anyway.

Set Quality to good or best. Color inks and toners differ between printer manufacturers, however there are some settings within your printer software that can deepen black and adjust grey. You may need to experiment a little with some of the settings if some of the colors just don't match what's on the screen.

The Paper type setting should be adjusted to heavy card stock or photo paper for best results on most of the crafts. There are a few that are printed on standard weight paper. The recommended card stock weight is 110 lb white. Depending on where you live in the world, this heavy paper may have a different name and weight description. Thick photo paper may work well and some colors may appear better printed on photo paper based on your type of printer.

Most printers allow a preset to be saved with specific settings so you'll be ready to print your next paper craft easily.

RomantiCraft > A4 Paper Comparison

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